
Thursday, November 18, 2010

1st Home Study Appointment

OKay. We had our first home study appointment with Catholic Charities last week. Our social worker is super great, and the stack of papers we left with was a little intimidating at the time, but is just plain SCARY now! I did not even realize how difficult filling out paper work would be with two little ones running around and wreaking havoc. Basically filling out one paper = one room demolition in my house....So if you come to my house and it's a disaster you will know that I was trying to get a little paperwork done that day, so don't judge!
Our social worker insinuated that we may have a baby boy much sooner than we thought. Like much Much MUCH sooner! She said once we get on the waiting list we could expect a referral in less than a seven months-ish. And if we are on top of things we could be on the waiting list in a couple months. But as stated in the previous paragraph, being on top of things has proven to be a challenge! This news is kind of overwhelming on a couple of levels. 1.) Nora and Nolan may be much closer in age than we anticipated (but how fun will that be for them growing up??!) and 2.) We gotta get to gettin' it on the fundraising (but we know God will provide and are really trusting in Him). The more we are crossing off the list the more real this all feels and I can't wait to get a picture of our baby boy!! BUT-first things first. Paperwork.

**We know that God's timing is perfect and we will have the baby that He has chosen for our family whenever it is perfect for HIS plan...NOT according to ours**

Okay...headed off to do some paperwork :)

Halloween 2010

The older they get the more fun Halloween is! Ava ran from house to house screaming, "HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!" It took all of her strength (and manners) to not grab big handfuls of candy, but she succeeded (most of the time). Nora was crowd watching and loved getting down with all the big kids. We went to Houston and Sarah's and had dinner, a costume parade, and trick or treated in their neighborhood. This is the second year we have done this and had a great time with great friends... We are hoping this is the start of Halloween tradition...Thanks to Houston and Sarah for a great time!!
**Ava was minnie mouse, Nora was a spider, and they were so stinking cute! Sweet Memories :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Birthday Girls

My girl, Ava, LOVES her some birthday parties! She is the most excited when she gets a birthday invite in the mail and she carries it around and talks about it forever! So, you can imagine her excitement at her very own birthday party! This year she had a Minnie Mouse party at the park. This was her first year to share it with her baby sister and she didn't mind-a party's a party! Nora was a sleepy birthday girl, but still had lots of fun! Instead of presents we asked for donations to the Banebow Foundation. Bane and Nora shared a first birthday and we wanted to do this for the sweet Beasley family and the Banebow Foundation that is doing so much GOOD! The girls had a great time and we are so very blessed with such great friends and family who came out to celebrate!

Ava Girl,
My sweet girl. When you were born I could not have even pictured you at four years old! You have grown into a little girl in a BLINK of an eye. You are so big and doing so much on your own, but you will always be my first baby girl-it was just you and me for three sweet years. You have such a sweet spirit and love to love! You are so funny and are always surprising us with funny quotes and songs that you have picked up on. You are so very smart. You can remember just about anything! You have blessed our lives with much love, laughter and joy over the last four years and we thank God for you. I love you.
Love, Mommy

Nora Baby,
My precious snuggie. You have been a sweet snuggle bug since the day you were born and your snuggles are straight from Heaven. I must admit, I rarely put you down, because I know how quickly this time will pass. More than one person has called you spoiled, but I wouldn't have it any other way. You love attention and playing games with people and you think you can do anything that you see someone else do. It is so fun to watch you learning about your world and trying new things! You always have a smile on your face and love in your eyes. Those eyes. So expressive. So flirty. I can't believe God has blessed us with such an angel. I love you.
Love, Mommy