
Monday, January 9, 2012

What's in a name??

Many have asked and so I'm sure even more have wondered, "what happened to Nolan??"

Well, let me explain...

I'm a name person. I LOVE picking baby names. It is was the first thing I wanted to decide on with both pregnancies. Pick a boy name a girl name (and let's be honest...I have a running list, so it's not that hard to come up with). And true to form, when we decided we were adopting a little boy I wanted to have a name picked out asap. I wanted to refer to him as my son, with a name, even though we had never seen his face before. 

So I begged and annoyed my husband until he agreed we agreed on the name Nolan from early on, but after a few months Nate felt unsettled about the name we had chosen and even more so after we saw the picture of our son. So...we changed it.  

Clarification: there was NOT a little boy named Nolan that we were once adopting and no longer adopting. It was just a name change (I know some people have been confused about this). Always have been (from the very start, even before we knew him) on the path to adopt this one sweet boy who God always knew would be in our family.

Sometime over the summer we agreed on the the name Chester "Chet" Tamerat Miller. Chester was Nate's dad's name and he went by Chet. I love having a name that is special to our family and my husband and Chet is just such a cute name on our little guy. We said from the first time we saw our son's  picture that the name Chet "fit" him.  Tamerat is his African name and we were adamant that it would always be a part of his name. Tamerat is a common name in Ethiopioa and means "Miracle". In Ethiopian culture is often given to children when it is considered a miracle that they are alive or were not expected to live through child birth. We definitely consider it a miracle that God has blessed us with this son!

The plan is to eventually transition from Tamerat to Chet Tamerat to Chet, but if we get home and that doesn't happen that is fine to.  And of course, Nate loves to call him CT as that has always been his favorite initial combo (random, yes.)

So, that's what's in a name...or at least Chester Chet Tamerat CT's name...Glad we cleared that up :)