
Our Adoption

Our adoption journey began well before we ever knew it. As I look back I can see all of the ways that God prepared our hearts for His plan for our family....

The first time I actually HEARD God calling us towards adoption was the summer of 2009. I was just months away from giving birth to our second child and also just months away from learning that our oldest child had Autism (how about that for spiritual warfare??) Even though life got crazy, the Devil didn't succeed in erasing adoption from my heart.

We recognized the call that we felt and over that year God made it blatantly clear to us that we needed to trust him and step out in faith on this journey...Not only was God calling us to adoption, but we wanted a son and we wanted to grow our family. So just shy of our youngest first birthday, in September of 2010, we mailed in our adoption application to our first agency to adopt a baby boy.

In March 2010 It seemed that Ethiopia was getting messy and we felt God leading us away from a young as possible baby boy, my heart was very invested into Ethiopia, but we switched to Uganda (where children adopted are usually older). I felt sure that our little boy would be closer to two and that we would be twinning him and our youngest daughter. However, it ended up that our son and our youngest daughter's "twin" was not in Uganda...

On May 10, 2011 we saw the picture of a little boy (who was six months younger than our youngest daughter) and knew instantly that he was going to be our son.  And isn't God funny....he was in Ethiopia! So we came full circle back to Ethiopia where our son had been all along. I realize now that had we not followed God to Uganda we may not have found our son. I thought we were being led to there because that is where our child was, when in fact, changing countries opened up our age range and changed the ages of the children we looked at on waiting lists...God ALWAYS has a plan...even when we don't always know what it is!

We didn't make court before rainy season and waiting through those months for our court date was excruciating, but on November 4th we officially and legally became the parents of our first son, 19 month old Tamerat Miller!

Over the past six months clearing the U.S.Embassy portion of the adoption process has become increasingly difficult and that is where we are now..actually we've been Nairobied as our case was declared not clearly approvable...We haven't held our son since the beginning of November. We miss him and we are praying he is home very soon. We sincerely ask that you will pray with us!!