
Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Summer Time

Ava is almost one and I am just making a blog! I know...I'm behind :)

Well, Summer is over and we had a great one! It was fun filled with trips to visit family and friends and even a cruise to the carribbean!!

Ava's first summer:
Ava's favorite summertime activities were talking walks, going to the park to swing and playing at the pool. In May Ava started getting teeth. She now has five with three coming in any day now! I will admit that one tooth is a little snaggled becuase she pushes on it with her bottom two teeth all the time! She started crawling at nine months in July and as been on the go ever since. Early August she started pulling up on everything. She cruises the furniture with ease, but still no walking. Also in August Ava spent a week at her Mimi and Papa's (my parents) without us when we figured out at the last minute that we didn't have the proper documents for her to go on the cruise with us. It was SO HARD for me, but she had a great time with them!

She can go up the stairs and works on going down the stairs whenever we visit Houston and Sarah's house (we dont' have any stairs). She loves to jibber jabber and sometimes it sounds like she's saying reals words :) Her favorite thing to do now is pull everything from the cabinets. She has become opinionated and will let you know if she disagrees with something with an exasperated sigh, a grunt, or if you've really made her mad a squeel:) She loves to pretend to brush her hair, put on shoes or answer the phone and then clap for herself. She realli likes sunday school (as you can see:) her teachers say she is VERY interactive in the lesson:) She has taken herself down to one nap a day on most days...rarely will she take two. She has finally started to eat solid foods fairly well. She likes gerber graduates ravioli, shredded cheese, pureed turkey(eww), and she just started eating babyfood veggies (only if you clap after each bite). Her favorite treat is goldfish crackers which we try to keep to a minimun :)
This is what Ava thinks of cassett tapes :)
Well that's all for now...I will try to post updates and pictures often.

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