
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ava's First Day of Pre-School!

I can't believe my baby is in pre-school!! Tuesday was Ava's first day. We had to put in her application back in February and I was going to be so upset if she didn't get in...well the closer it came to her first day I was wishing she hadn't because I was getting pretty sad about letting her go two days a week. I know it's going to be really good for her though...she is such a momma's girl and really does need time away and to be around other kids.
Of course on her first day she slept until 8:00 (most days I would kill for this!) and we needed to leave around 8:30. But we got out of the door and didn't forget anything! Actually that's not true...I forgot my keys and we were locked out of the car and the house! Even after this we were still on time for pre-school...AMAZING! We went into class, got her settled and took some pictures. Her teachers are great and they said that she did really well all day besides nap time . I wasn't surprised by this and felt sort of bad for not warning them...Ava has been seriously resisting the naps the last week and half. Today she just sat in her bed for two hours reading books playing with stuffed animals. Anyway...I got a lot more accomplished between 9 and 2 than usual and that felt great! I was surprised that I didn't cry when I left her...just a little teary eyed a couple times b'c I was missing her about half way through the day.

Ava's school supplies:
Her stickers...I LOVED them:
Ready to go!:
Getting situated in her new room:
She loves puzzles...and she got attached to that dinosaur:


  1. Sooo cute! You are such a great mommy! Ava is blessed to have you. I'm glad we are experiencing this new stage together!
