
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

4th of July

Im not sure that it's possible to pack more fun into a weekend than we did for the 4th of July. We stayed with Papaw, Gigi, Chase and Clay and had a big breakfast every morning out on the covered porch overlooking the mountains. We roasted marshmallows on the camp fire.We went to the water park and went swimming at Nanny and Big Pap's where we grilled out with Sissy, Kevin and Cameron. We went to my cousin Genie's house boat and met up with Brittain's to grill out, go out on the ski boat, swam in the lake and jump off the top of the house boat. The only thing we didn't do is watch the fireworks show b'c Ava was so pooped that she went to bed at 5:45 p.m. and slept for the rest of the night! We had a great weekend with extended family...precious memories that we don't get to make often enough.

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