
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Baby Trade??

I thought I would share another jewel of a story from my sweet Ava girl...
Pretty sure she thought that we were going to trade Nora for baby Nolan.
Oh my word.

We were talking about Nolan and she said to me....
"But, what will we do with Nora?"
I asked what she was talking about and she said...
"Will we leave her in Africa??"

Then it hit me that she thought we were going to trade Nora for Nolan!
I explained to her that no, we were keeping Nora AND getting baby brother Nolan.
She thought that was pretty cool because she wants to keep Nora too...
which is a relief, because some days I wonder if she truly does :)

1 comment:

  1. Good question, Boo Bear! There are a lot of details involved in bringing Nolan home. :)
