Sometimes I feel like I feed my children the same things. every. single. day. So, I need some mom advice on the healthy (preferably easy) foods that you feed your kids. Here are a couple the the foods I feed my girls that are healthy and super quick and easy:
Ghee- I use Ghee instead of regular butter for my girls. They really like and I feel much better giving it to them. Ghee is a clarified butter that has been melted slowly to separate the milk solids and therefore is casein free and is not hydrogenated. Ghee is helpful with digestion, rich in antioxidants and has a high content of fatty acids (brain food!). It is pricey though...13 oz will run you around $11! Also, I usually cook with coconut oil instead of vegetable or canola oils.
Almond Milk- Cow's milk has been notorious for slowing down Ava's digestive track so my girls both drink almond milk. (Nora actually still nurses more than she drinks almond milk). Loaded with magnese, selenium and vitamin E!
Flax-I used to be better at sneaking it in foods, but I primarily mix it with Peanut Butter for Ava's sandwiches.
Frozen Organic Berries- I've been buying them frozen and the girls really like them. And I think I've read some articles indicating frozen foods from the grocery store may even be better for you than fresh from the grocery store. And it's quick and easy (and cheaper) to always have on hand in the freezer.
Frozen organic peas- This is weird I know, but my girls love them for snacks. They eat them straight from the freezer. Couldn't get easier!
Dark chocolate covered frozen bananas- I don't know how healthy this is, but the girls love them for sweet treats and it's gotta be better than cake or cookies. Right?
From snacks to meals...I'm open to all suggestions!