Thursday, December 13, 2012

Mini Ice Cream Cones - Elf on the Shelf Style!

Elf Ice Cream Cone

Meet our elf, Claude

So, tomorrow A is supposed to bring in mini elf treats to her kindergarten class. After much pinterest searching I could only come up with the cheerios that were made into doughnuts...while they are certainly cute it was also listed as an option on the homework sheet...and well..I like to be different. So I was walking around the grocery store with no real idea of what I would make when I saw a bag of Caramel Bugles and decided they would make some pretty cute ice cream cones! And since ice cream would surely melt I went for vanilla icing...added some sprinkles and voila...elf ice cream was born. Easy. Peasy. Now, I'm sure I am not the first person to think of this...but such an easy and cute "elf treat" must be shared with other elf on the shelf momma's looking for their next elf adventure!

All you need:
Caramel Bugles
Icing to pipe into the bugles
Sprinkles to top the icing

And maybe something to hold your mini ice cream cones upright if you make a lot of them. I just used a small garment box and made hole punches in it!

this mess up cone ended up being cute too!
Claude can't wait to dig in!

who better to make elf treats than an elf himself? (let's pretend I didn't spell his name wrong)